5 days on the vegan diet.. feeling off

Same. Feeling much better now that I’m back on my keto diet…

even if vegans are right in terms of eating meat being unhealthy, which I doubt they are considering there’s a bunch of healthy keto-ers out there who have been on it for years (and some have had arterial calcium buildup tests showing that they’re physically healthy) and semi-long term studies showing no ill effects. but even if vegans are right, I would rather live to be 55 and feel relatively good then live to be 80 and feel like a mess.

So :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::stuck_out_tongue:

Blood type diet is a fad diet.

It is not unhealthy if you eat it in moderation, veganism is about ethics, environment and economics.

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I’ve been a vegan for 5 years now… feeling great everyday


Cool, yeah, everybody is different. I’m sure a lot of people would do well on the vegan diet, I was just supporting the idea of experimentation and seeing what works and trusting what your body tells you over just literature.

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I tried vegan diet for two months and found it good but a bit hard to maintain so I switched back to my usual lacto ovo vegetarian diet which I still follow. I try to cut dairy down though.

The low carb diet may work for weight loss (or maintinance), yet it was originally a diet of siezure patients.

Carbs make seizure prone people more likely to have them.

Not saying your going to have one! lol

All popular diets today were/are medical diets.I tried to go vegetarian once but it didnt work out.

I would still perfer to not eat meat, but can not find enough viriety of food, effective budget stratigies, or substitute for all the different types of b12 in a regular diet.

This sounds almost exactly like a diet i use for weight loss, minus cereal, add tiny meat portion once a day.

Is there hope?lol

have you no shame?
(your as bad as i am!)


You need fortified foods or supplements B12 if you are vegan because you can’t get it from commercial vegan food due to how they clean the food.
What you say is also interesting because it is really harder to find good fruit/veggies in cold places…

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