4 months on 10mg

hey there forum

so ye i want to get off the meds

i feel they are damaging my brain ((https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1x5hf-VgNMM))) ((((thanks to peter breggin speaking out youll find his lectures at this link)))

i feel the aktesia and the restlessness and the all round brain dead way.

although my doctor wants me to stay on them for 2 years

2 years is too long for me

1 year at the most for me. i dont feel myself on these drugs

anybody going through similiar stuff


I love my meds. I had to adjust to them for a month or so but they got progressively better and I no longer have side effects. They changed one that made me feel emotionless and now they’re good. Maybe yours could be adjusted so they are easier to handle. Make sure your pdoc knows or has witnessed the adverse effects you are experiencing.

It’s the attack of the no-meds-people!

Meds help, most of us need them, you’ll find out soon enough that you need them, or you figure our you’re one of the small percentage of people who can live well without them. I know I’m not.

I’ll go back to my game now. Radio transmition over!

There is a variety of med’s. Maybe you can find one that doesn’t make you feel this way.

I havn’t heard of any that damage the brain. Have you asked your family if they see any improvement while you are on meds? They would be able to see changes in the beginning easier than you may see in yourself. If they say yes it probably means they are working for you. If not then I highly suggest you share that with your therapist or pdoc. When I first was treated for SZ I was attending a private college with alot of health nut vegan types that made delicious food but freaked me out saying western medicine was a hoax and I didn’t want to take my meds because of it and so my dad would administer them to me and make sure I took them. I am so glad he did because they work so well I may be able to go back to school soon and have a normal life again.