28th september super red moon and an eclipse

Throughout the ages mankind has noted the influence of the moon on mood and emotion - don’t underestimate this - it rules the tide and the human body is 65% water - work it out.


I went to a park near my place to watch the moon rise here in Lisbon.
It was beautiful. The eclipse here is at 4am I won’t see it but hope you guys enjoy it

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I’m having trouble falling asleep, maybe this is why!

Have you heard that some mormons think this is the sign that the apocalypse is nigh?

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You live in Portugal? Or a different Lisbon?

there is no moon in ireland

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This is what it’s going to look like apparently.

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28th September, 2012. This red moon & eclipse marks the anniversary that I first went into full-blown psychosis. I spent the entire day & night talking to spirits and walking outdoors. That was an epic night.

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That’s kind of freaky! Does this worry you?

Yeah in Portugal, I don’t know if there are more Lisbons out there, maybe there are

Is there many good tourists sites in Portugal? I noticed on a website someone posted about the high speed rails in the EU that there was no high speed rail from Lisbon to any other major cities, which I thought was odd.

Nope. I welcome my visual hallucinations. The vast majority of the time they are extremely beautiful. The only weird moments are the hedonistic visuals I sometimes receive.

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Yep, Portugal is a turist paradise actually, we have a lot of great things here. Good beaches, good food, good castles and monasteries…

There other cities are available by train but slower ones lol

there is a blue moon next week :cold_sweat:

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We had a blue moon on July 31st this year - the next one will be January 31st 2018. A Blue Moon is when you get two full moons in the same calendar month.

Especially those born on the birth sign Cancer, their mood changes quite frequently with the moon.

My experience on this board there aren’t many cancerian sz’s here.

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Sun Scorpio, moon Leo, Cancer rising. What a mess :smile_cat:

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I like to think I’m intelligent like a gemini, motivated like a capricorn and tough like a scorpio

although im trying to act less motivated lately, about unnecessary stuff at least

You are tough like a scorpio is, charming like a leo :blush: and intuitive and loyal like a cancerian

i gotta go watch this moon though!

I have like 4 planets in capricorn, 3 in scorpio and 3 in taurus, and sun gemini…

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I just saw it but it was a little lame, I expected some crazy ■■■■ but it was just a little pumpkin moon.

Pumpkins are excellent. I will take it!



Why is there no bed emoji?!

I saw the blood moon tonight at about 9:10 central USA time and it was totally awesome such a spectacular witness with a right tip of silver light and mostly red. So f-ing great! I gamy kids and my brother come out and see it we all loved it.

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It wasn’t that great, honestly. It was a darker, brown red and was small.

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