26 years has passed quite quickly

Movie ‘Wall Street’ 1987 and 2010

I recall how I went to watch the first ‘Wall Street’ movie with one of my girlfriends in the fall of 1987 in Lappeenranta, Finland. Then I was this fast studying university student who later got one scholarship to study in the U.S.A. after which my U.S. and world journeys started. Now I am watching the movie ‘Wall Street’ 2010 alone after borrowing it at the library and I am using my laptop to do this, the same device that I am using to communicate globally. The difference is that now I am this crazy and schizophrenic person and some 26 years older, but still kicking and being alive here in Finland. The closest thing I got to Wall Street in America was when I lived in my auto in Manhattan near the Bull statue and walked in the streets of Manhattan in October 2000 eventually smoking a cigar in the middle of the night next to the George Washigton statue near the New York Stock Exchange.

I love the stories of your travels. I think you have lived a very interesting life and it really would make a good book. :earth_americas:

Another movie came out in 2013 called The Wolf Of Wall Street. :moneybag:

I have not traveled much in my life, I envy those that had the means to do so. I don’t really have an interest seeing anything in New York but I hear they have good food.

New York City is a big city. I have been there just three times. The first time was in January 1990 when I travelled from Finland through Chicago to Michigan to study at the business school. I felt that it was ‘a cold city’ then and I did not like it much at that time. Then I visited in August 1999 and went to places in the Central Park and visited the WTC. And then I lived in my auto one week in NYC in October 2000 and visited many places. I parked my auto near the Battery Park where I had a bottle of red wine sometimes in the evening and watched the city lights and Ellis Island where thousands of immigrants landed in the U.S.A. over a century ago. NYC people are quite different from the southern people.