24th homicide

In Manitoba already this year. Each year the numbers get worse. I feel safe in my town but the city doesn’t feel safe at all. And my 19 year old daughter lives there.

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Are they random, drug related or gang related? :thinking::thinking::thinking:


Majority are gang related or domestic

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Per capita we have the highest murder rate in Canada.

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So could you say that unless your part of a gang, you will be okay? :honeybee::honeybee::honeybee:


True. I try not to place my fear on my daughter

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It doesnt seem high compared to other places you could live in.

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Very true. I keep sending my daughter ads of places to rent in nice neighborhoods.

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I was hoping if I told you that you wouldn’t worry so much.

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I will worry less if she is in a nice neighborhood. She currently lives at my brothers house which is an amazing area but she spends 2 hours on the bus to get to work. I want her to live in the artsy area because she is very talented.
Thank you for encouraging me. I’ll try to worry less. :star_struck:


Tijuana had 2,519 homicides in 2018. I still go there from time to time. I think Manitoba is a lot safer.


My town has had zero murders this year. I’m not sure about the twin cities or a town up north I used to live in. But you never know. Hopefully your daughter can move somewhere safer and give you peace of mind.



I’m from Toronto and we have pretty bad gun violence here

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I read of a recent shooting in Toronto. That was saddening to hear especially after they won the NBA championship… and i’m a Golden State Warriors fan. According to Google though Toronto is one of the safest cities to live in. I sure hope it doesn’t get bad. Each time I go to Tijuana I learn of another acquaintance who was murdered. It is pretty bad there because of all the drug traffickers.

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