19 years ago I left America

I think it’s remarkable that you ride your bicycle whenever you can. This is a great way to be around nature and to get fresh air and exercise. Plus, I really enjoy the photos you post of your bicycle excursions.


I never left anything, but One day i will.

17 years since a left America too!! Was an interesting ride


Yep, cycling is great. I have always a backpack with me. I see some people regularly when I ride my bicycle. There is Lidl, a grocery store, on another side of the town and I often ride my bicycle there because their prices are lower than in some other grocery stores.

Actually I left America on the 8th of May 2002. I spent my last three days in one good hotel in Miami near Miami International Airport. This was after I had slept on the lawns of Miami Beach nearly one month. It was an experience.

I can not take photos now because my Nokia camera phone broke. I have just a simple Samsung phone now.

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I left NY in March 2011, so it has been over 10 years. Time flies! Happy to be reunited with my family Here in Belgium.

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Really where was you before ?

Where do you live now? How did you manage moving to a new place with schizophrenia

I returned to my birth town in Finland. I started having voices in America in 1998. I thought it was my time to move back. When I was on the airplane over the Everglades I had voices that I would regret my move, but looking back I think I made a right choice.

19 years ago I was cleaning up after my father’s corpse who blew his brains all over the room. Times flies. Seems like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time. Our relationship gets stronger every day he’s dead.

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