14 days and counting

I’m hoping the worst of the cravings are done. :smoking:


congrats wish I was there with quitting

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Keep going ! Remember cigarettes are sneaky.

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Congratulations! How are you feeling? Are you breathing better?

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Thank you @Mountainman @everhopeful @Leaf.
I’m feeling pretty crappy today but I think it’s a touch of a cold.


Oh no, I hope you can fight it off. Be well @FatMama

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im on day 6. i had quit for almost a month but then started up again for a couple weeks. my first 2 nights i had trouble sleeping. that’s the only thing I’ve noticed so far, and i most want a cigarette after a cup of coffee is the other thing I’ve noticed.

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That’s such a great accomplishment!

I loved looking at graphics like these when I stopped smoking.

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Keep it up! We can do it

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Oh that’s a cool chart

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Good going Mama!
Keep moving forward!

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Thank you :blush:
I’m giving it my best!

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