12-Step Program Poll (Anonymous)

Are you in recovery from alcohol / illicit drug use?

  • Yes, and I do a 12-step program
  • Yes, and I don’t do a 12-step program
  • No, and I use alcohol / drugs
  • No, and I don’t use drugs / alcohol
  • No Other (describe below)

0 voters

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I haven’t had a drop of alcohol or marijuana or any street drugs since before I was diagnosed with sz.
I had lsd on sugar cubes once when I was like 20 but other than that, the only intoxicants I have ever used were marijuana and alcohol.


I haven’t had a drop of alcohol in 17 years, I haven’t had a cigarette in 13 years and I don’t remember the last time I smoked weed but it’s been years too. I’ve been clean for a long time.


I’ve never been big into drugs or alcohol but I have other addictions and I have done 12 Step for them.


I have an alcohol addiction and occasionally go to NA meetings to keep my psychiatric team happy. I’ve only been sober 65 days now.


I never had addictions and I never did illegal drugs. Will never do. I tried weed a couple of times its legal here and it made me psychotic so never did it again, I left 2 friends bcz they smoked weed, I don’t even want to smell it. Secondary weed smoke is just like smoking it.

Alcohol I drink very rarely now small amounts low % 3-10. Before sz I used to drink with friends but not too much. I think only once I drank too much and vomitted bcz my dumb friend kept telling me to drink and making me strong cups.


We have a new therapist at my psychiatric clinic. He’s recovered from substance abuse, and I would like to see him as my weekly therapist. He knows where I’m coming from. My current therapist really doesn’t comprehend addictions.


I used to drink and smoke weed but I quit. I’m trying to lose weight and get healthy again.


Thanks for responding @Pandy @Headspark @Bowens @Aziz @anon21849028


I used to be active in AA, CA and NA. Got clean and sober in 1990.


Thanks @77nick77

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I’ve been on a 12 step program back when I had a problem with pills.

It didn’t help me,

I went to rehab and that also didn’t help.

Eventually, I got sick of having to be a slave to it, so I quit and went through withdrawals.

Now I don’t do any pills.

But I do drink and smoke weed.


I have a very occasional drink. A few times a year. No illicit drugs though.

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Sober since Feb 15, 1992. Booze, weed, and amphetamines were what I loved. Would occasionally score some shrooms or play with something harder. Been in AA for almost 30 years now.

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Thanks @GoldenRex @FatMama @shutterbug


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