100 Years From Now

We’ll all be gone…

And a new generation of people will be reading everything we wrote on this forum from a century ago.

So don’t be too rash when you’re about to post is all I’m sayin…this stuff is for the ages! :wink:


The year is 2016…

In the 80’s, I thought we’d be flying to work in Jet Packs by now.

The biggest dilemma in the 1980’s was trying to get your VCR to stop flashing the 12:00pm sign…remember? Nobody knew how to fix that.

What if your soulmate hasn’t been born yet?..

What if someone from 100 years from now falls in love with one of us?..after reading all of our posts from the early part of the century.

I guess I’m just a timeless romantic I suppose. :sunny:


YES >< I fixed it though… with violence. I thought others in the family would be more appreciative. I was wrong :frowning: Kid brain, I guess lol


Apparently prince in his younger years was going through a real hard time. On the day when everything was at its worst he just got a notion that something had changed and his life would get better. He found new strength and did well.

Anyway twenty years later he met a girl who I think he married. Either way when he asked her birthday it turns out she was born on his very worst day - she was his soulmate from birth.

Pretty cool huh?


I think Sex Robots will be all the rage in 100 years…

“Pleasure Bots”.


Why are the Japanese so kinky and fetishy??

I don’t knoooowww! They have weird fetishes indeed. In my movie director classes I went to see some japanese short movies with the class and there was some weird things :confused:

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I used to go to a small independent movie rental store. When through a period of Japanese horror stuff. Weird!

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The (used) underwear vending machines blur the line between fetish and … um … what actually is more taboo than a fetish but along the same lines and doesn’t involve implying someone is a criminal or bordering on becoming one? lol Well, whatever that word is.

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I spoke to a guy who worked for a while teaching English in Japan. I asked him how common said vending machines are - he said he had only seen one. Is still a crazy concept though.

Maybe there was more profit in moving such business to an online platform?

That’s just my cynicism kicking in maybe lol but yes, a very bizarre and concerning concept indeed.

There was a washing line thief issue in my home town back when I was in high school … I’m pretty sure whoever it was ended up getting caught. He/she should’ve just moved to Japan! :stuck_out_tongue: Humour was necessary 0.0

@Erratica…Don’t watch this video!!

(I know you can’t stand wayward balls!)

Back to the Opener…

Although I rather enjoy ‘thread derailments’…I like free-form creativity in all of it’s splendor.

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In the Big Bang theory show sheldon talks about the ‘singularity’ - where you can upload your concousness to a computer and therefore live forever. Would you like that?

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I remember the first face transplant was in the news a while back…

I said I’d never donate my face when I die to someone else, because I owe so many people so much money, the guy would never get a moment’s peace with his new face.


It is a good question, back in 1900 only richer people had resources to take photos and so document their existence in this world, but now everybody can take photos, so in 2116 there are so many old photos that people can share, but seriously I do not know how it will be 100 years from today, maybe people have visited Mars already then, who knows how it will be?

With regards to the original post, listen to the lyrics of this song if you want to be completely depressed.

Dear cosmos… that is depressive :smile: And the music is so upbeat