100-150 mg of seroquel

Is there anybody who takes that dosage? How do you feel on this dose :stuck_out_tongue:
Is this similiar to placebo in concentration and motivation to learn/work?

My brother’s on 275mg Seroquel, but he’s also on Letuda and Zyprexa.
The Seroquel primarily helps him with depression. He never had negative symptoms like lack of motivation.

150mg is sub-therapeutic, i believe. are you on anything else?

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I’ve taken Seroquel since 1999.
When very ill, I’ve been on up to 800 mg. then was stabilized on 400 mg all at night.

It has a 6 hour half life so I can feel it wear off which is they invented Seroquel XR.

I was experimenting with 200 when on vacation and seemed to be OK but 100 is just like nothing and causes problems.

If stressed I’m back up to 400, so there I’ll stay for now.

So you say 100-150 mg is like placebo for concentration memory and motivation?

100-150 mg Seroquel is very weak for supressing positive symptoms. My friend got a relapse when she was on 500mg Seroquel. She switched to zyprex 15mg after that. She had ever taken 500mg Seroquel for 5 years.

I took 200 seroquel and 200 of amisulpride and it was okay :slight_smile:

I take 200 amislupride and 15-25mg Seroquel everyday. I sleep so deep in the morning and it’s hard for me to wake up before 9am. It’s very sedative. What’s your reaction to this combination of meds?

I slept a lot…does amisulpride work for you?

I remember taking 25mg Quetiapine for sleep disturbance and feeling woozy and foggy for at least half the following day. I just couldn’t function on it. My wife, however, seems unaffected even by 200mg (fast release). Humans huh!