Who of you had a controlling mother?

Who of you have/had a controlling mother and a pasive father ?

I like to explore :slight_smile:

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My mom was extremely controlling. Even after I became an adult.

No I had a psycho Mum and psycho Dad.

Mom was strict but fair. She also allowed us time to do (with in reason) what we wished, we could daydream, draw, or just think without having to account for every minute alive.
Best mom ever.

My mom was an absent heroin addict. My dad was a neglectful, emotionally abusive alcoholic

and those were the good days! haha

Still do
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My mom was controlling to even the smallest things lol


No controlling mother. Just a very, very controlling and abusive father here. And abusive in all ways: physical, emotional and sexual.

My mom was complicated. She was neglectful in a lot of ways, and more passive aggressive than aggressive… complicated and hard to guess at or be sure of… My dad was stern and domineering with us, but more submissive with her. My dad mellowed with us as he got older. If you compared their parenting to a foundation of some sort, then it was a fluctuating foundation. Like a “fun house” floor that keeps moving.


I think a lot of moms like to be in control. My om was like that but to be honest i can’t complain. Mama knows best.

My mother wasn’t too controlling, but if I ever went too far she would really yank my chain. My dad lived in his own world.

Both were. Lucky me


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Sorry english is not my first language, haha
Any way if you’re an adult maybe your mom isn’t controlling yet.

I’m saying that she is still controlling. :wink:


My mom is very controlling. I am an adult and she acts like I am a teenager. She is also my payee and everything I do must go through her. Annoying.

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I still live with my mother and father and she still controls me. My dad doesn’t care he’s always absent of mind and has no clue whats going on most of the time. My mom needs things done her way or she yells at me. I don’t tell either of my parents anything due to her being nosy and having no idea what confidentiality means. I’m not aloud to say anything about her cause she doesn’t want to look bad but all she does is blab on to people about what doctors tell her about me. When I try to tell my parents about my voices they just shut it down and act like it doesn’t exist.

My parents are fairly controlling, more so my mom. They are mainly controlling about me taking my medication and not doing drugs. They weren’t exactly strict when I grew up but they weren’t lenient either. I feel controlled by them and that they have held me back, but reality is they have probably helped me.

I would call my mother a critical mother, but not a controlling mother.

My mother was passive, not that we would listen anyway