What song are you listening to right now (if you are listening to one)?

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Unsure why that is but come across that quiet regularly dealing with people posting from the US. Does work my side.

Ocho cinco dj snake best tune out there give it a listen

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Mum gave me two Beatles cd’s for my birthday. So I’m listening to them now @77nick77

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Guess what I’m having for dinner tonight @anon40653964! Thai :blush:

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Excellent turtle. It’s always nice to know a fellow Beatles fan. Which CD’s were they?

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Awesomeness. Good choice of the beatles song, it’d been a few years.since I heard that.

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Two compilations. One called “Early Beatles” and the other is just called 1. 1 has 27 tracks on it! I’m going to listen to it again in my car when I go out tomorrow.

We went to the movies yesterday and saw a preview for a Beatles movie called “eight days a week” it’s lost interviews and footage. I bet my Mum would love that! She went to the airport to see them arrive in Australia.


Wow, that’s cool. I always wished I could have seen them perform. I have a CD of theirs called “One”. Are we talking about the same CD?

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