What song are you listening to right now (if you are listening to one)? - The Sequel

That is awesome and the vocalist is mega-hot.

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Yeah, I’ve seen them live a couple times as an opening act, and she can absolutely thrash on her guitar. It’s a duo, Kimberly on vocals and guitar, and Junior on drums, no bassist. Though I realize there’s a piano in this song.

It seems like there’s an organ somewhere near the beginning.

It’s a pretty awesome song.

Here is part of our history.

EDIT: this song has more meanings but look how it has to do a little bout time itself


obviously you like the booty…


I like many things

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for the final fantasy fans out there~ (VII)

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I want to see these guys in concert, they have some pretty good songs, like this one.

These guys are pretty good. They’re from southeast Michigan, like I originally am. Though I believe they’re from the northern suburbs of Detroit, whereas my hometown is closer to Toledo, Ohio than it is to Detroit. Anyway, good song …

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“you are”


“what we do, echoes for eternity”…

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I brought my mum the film for xmas and watched it myself before wrapping it! Then we watched it together again :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

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This song always makes me so emotional :sob::sob::joy::sob::joy::sob::joy::sob:

Plus the singer is daddy af… would I lie with him and just forget the world? Absolutely! :wink::face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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