What medication are you on for Schizophrenia?

Yeah i received my last shot this friday. she was concerned with me having another breakdown but im confident that everything will be fine and shes ok with it. they reduced the dose from 100mg 2 months ago and the voices didnt increase (as expected) since then but actually decreased drastically. i think 100mg is the highest dose then theres 75mg, 50mg and last 25mg. so 50mg is the medium dose.

I hope everything goes well. What do you have? Sz or Sza? How long have you been in treatment?

I take Clopixol, 40mg nocte + 10mg mane

Depression is a part of schizophrenia

I take a bunch of other stuff, i think 60mg fluoxetine is also virtually essential for stability that is joyful and not too obsessed or down

now that you mention it they never really told me straight out flat. they just said schizophrenia like once but never again when i spoke to them in gatherings and throughout all meetings did they identify the illness. we just discuss the symptoms most of the time and my past (how it was before the illness) and future (how i should live with the illness). what about you? have your docs given a specific time frame for taking the meds? do you have any sideeffects from xeplion(like headaches, the most common sideeffect in xeplion i believe)?

I haven’t been given a time frame on the meds but some people say it’s for life. Who knows?
I don’t have headaches but I do have what I think is anhedonia, but don’t know if it’s from the medication.
My pdoc consultation is on Wednesday to complain about all that’s troubling me.

That would suck for you because it is highly likely due to xeplion that you have anhedonia, i have it too and alot of other people. but for me anhedonia or lack of empathy(mental pleasure of seeing some do well) arent that much of a problem i actually prefer having a muffled sense of empathy and pleasure. motivation and dedication on the other hand are a great loss. but taking this drug for the rest of your life seems like torture still better than having to deal with voices and hallucination though.

I don’t have hallucinations. My moods just get too aggravated and I start not behaving right when off meds. But I’d like to stop taking them and be well. Peaceful and considerate.

dont sound like schizophrenia to me

It’s diagnosed as schizoaffective bipolar type. Though when I was at the hospital the doctor was undecided between bipolar or that. I don’t know what made her decide on that diagnosis.

if u have more negative symptoms of sz …it might be sz…

i am on 500 mg clopixol depot biweekly. 240 mg geodon and 100 mg seroquel and 2 pills for side effects dayli. the clopixol treats my positive symptoms very well. and the geodon counteract the negative symptoms caused by the highdose of clopixol.

Abilify5mg is what I take for Schizophrenia.

currently 60 mg Latuda. Working for me.

@Melina2 I was also on ability 5mg careful not to have a relapse, it’s really low dose.

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300 mgs clozaril at night…made me fat

I have been on Abilify5mg for 12 years and counting without any problems other than sleeping long hours and weight gain which I thought would taper off by now but I keep gaining weight having my Thyroid checked soon I hope nothing is wrong with it causing me to keep gaining weight.

oh, if your only problem is the weight gain, you might work on that. Good luck.

I had a relapse on 5mg Abilify. I had gained 50 pounds with that med in about 1.5 years.

I have been exercising and still the weight has not come off I will keep trying I am having my thyroid checked next month so I will know then if its the cause or not if its not my thyroid then its the Abilify.

will update as soon as I have my blood drawn to see what’s going on if anything with my Thyroid having my blood drawn September the 14th.

200mgs clozapine
225mgs venlafaxine
coloxyl and senna

450mg Seroquel
400mg lamictal

Couple of other medications for epilepsy. They are also good for stabilising mood.