What kind of job can do an schizophrenic with negs and cognitive symptoms?

Good thing to have a disability. Keep doing well :slightly_smiling_face:

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ā€œThings that you donā€™t need but you wantā€ :slight_smile:


I get free meds too, but any money if it wasnā€™t for my grandfathers. They give me 200ā‚¬ each month but it will not last forever. By the way Iā€™m a bit nonconformist.

:joy::joy: really ?
For example food, some clothes and pay bills are not ā€œcaprichosā€ (in spanish).
But if you see some expensive bag/earrings/shoes that you like them a lot, but you donā€™t really need them, itā€™s a capricho. Some thing you buy for contribute your happiness in a material way :sweat_smile:

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I will put my energy into brighter days for youā€¦PS if possible

Yeah we donā€™t have a word for that but we should!!! Whatā€™s your first language??? Spanish??? Are you from Spain??? I think your English is superb!

Sorry but Idk what you meant with ps :slightly_frowning_face:
Anyway thanks a lot! :hugs:

I am in similiar situation. In every new job my colleagues understand my symptoms.And fail becomes true.

The idea to work in supermarket is not bad, in the past I have this idea, because it is more hidden and without more contact.


How you can get good skills on digital market?

Yess!! Iā€™m Spanish :smiley::smiley: I think your name is spanish too.
Thank you very muchā€¦ I still use the translator for confirm some word but day a day Iā€™m improving :yum:

@Goyankees ^^^^ this was for you

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energy is what im sending you through social media because of my reasonsā€¦

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Pedro is Irish not Spanish but his friends call him Pedro ;). But I think You meant to respond to me!!! Thatā€™s cool that youā€™re Spanish tho lol. Hablo poquito espanol :tired_face:

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Hahah yes :relieved::relieved::relieved:
Can be difficult at first!

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Spanish when the sun hits me and irish in dull weather

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what country do you live in?

Maybe you meant community or city.
Iā€™m from Valencia :sun_with_face::dancer:

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who knows we might meet one day :notes: because did you ever see the movie shawshank remdemption?

Haha have you ever been in spain?


Just google ā€˜learn digital marketing free.ā€™

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ive been to Tenerife Portugal and malorgara

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I finished that course, but it is feel is not enough,
Maybe I have to search any paid courses

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