Thought Broadcasting isn't real, right?

There is no way you are broadcasting your thoughts to other people, people can’t know your thoughts, they can’t read your mind, this is all in my head, right? I need assurance, these ■■■■■■■ voices convince me of this ■■■■ all the time.


Nope they can’t. Humans wouldn’t have had the need to develop speech if that was possible.


Nope. It’s not real. Don’t listen to your voices.


It’s not real. I had it when I was very ill. It went away on meds fortunately.


Alright thanks. It is quite deceptive.

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This is one of my favorite posts on this website. Thank you!


Its a real symptom of schizophrenia. But its a false concept.

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Did the meds help you?

Yes they did. :pill:


If it was real, the government would be charging people with a thought broadcasting licence fee by now.


you have schizophrenia, and broadcasting is impossible. It would be an unfair world if it was true. It’s the schizophrenia making you feel that way. You have nothing to worry about.

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I have to battle this every time I’m in public. It feels like people are taunting me verbally. I just have to realize that it’s all in my head which is hard sometimes. It also happens every night I’m at work but I push forward trying to realize it’s not real.


I’m 29 years old and just found out 5 days ago that I have thought broadcasting after 12 years. I’m still a little shocked…all this time I’ve been talking to myself. My thoughts are still really loud and I have to keep convincing myself that no one can hear mt thoughts…i have 4 kids and all this time everyone thought I was normal or maybe shy, strange…idk. 12 years and I’ve been living with schizophrenia and had no clue. I thought I was cursed.

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when psychotic I am not so sure they aren’t real. now i can tell you they are not real, but still inside me I i believe they may be… hah.

So it ends up since I have no hallucinations my mental illness falls under delusional disorder. After 1 year of knowing people can not hear my every thought I feel so much better. Have not taken any meds yet and have been thinking of starting one. My intrusive thoughts are pretty much gone though I still feel a little strange, like an outcast. I know now after 12 years of hell that people can not hear my every single thought


Thank God for this forum a year ago…I believed my delusion so firmly that I didnt tell a soul for 12 years since I figured they could hear my voice anyway… and after Googleing I came to this page and ran to my sister and she took me to my therapist it took 6 hours for her to convince me and months of phone calls… my thoughts are so loud I had to count myself to sleep in the beginning.

Me too. The only way i can convince myself otherwise is because it says in the bible only a mans spirit knows his thoughts. Even with that I still have trouble convincing myself of the falsity of mind reading sometimes . To me personally the bible is an authority. So all speculations stop concerning mind reading. Its a tough delusion to break out of. @catsrcool


It’s been a while since I wrote this post. Honestly I still have thought broadcasting symptoms as well as other symptoms such as hallucinations, however I’m now more stable than I’ve been in years. I’m taking college classes and going to a clinic multiple times a week. Things really can get better, just have hope and keep moving forward.

I do too. But it’s not reality. Like you said just keep moving forward

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Yup. Stay positive and focus on reality. Also find the right meds for you and talk to a professional. These things truly help.