The Daily Scoop

In our clubhouses we put out a daily “newsletter” so to speak about what is up for the day.

Happenings of the day
Trivia Fact
What’s in the News
What’d ya have for lunch?
What did you do today?

These are all common topics.

Just thought I’d do one here…completely unrelated to clubhouse.

It was overcast and threateningly stormy today.
From ten am to eleven am there was much good news at the new clubhouse
Had a weird moment at an intersection this morning where someone who wasn;t supposed to take a left where I had the right of way…well we completely confused each other. It was early though.

I have no idea what is in the news. What I hear it isn’t good.

I’m too lazy to preoccupied to give a trivia fact…wait for it…Okay…Alexander the Great’s armies wrote home about having hit India through Afghanistan and were in their words…fought off by “shields in the sky”

-not Ancient Alien trivia :wink: but from various sources including a though antiquated but detailed telling of the invasions…I have somewhere in my collection unless I sold it to a garage sale…blah blah blah.

(again not clubhouse related…but inspired you see)

Have a good day folks.


Sorry if this is the case, I just woke up and probably missed the point completely. I know some sites do a post each day, week or month so each member can post where there at with symptoms, life, goals etc etc. A great way to get the lurking newbies or just lurkers to feel a part of the community and keep in touch. Also to get support on some of the lesser things etc. The Daily Scope seems a good name for it.

I thought The Daily Scoop had to do with a TV show cancellation. :princess: :ghost: :ghost:

It’s good your club house keeps members informed. :house:

:ghost: :bee: :bee: :bee: BOO