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I started hearung voices in 6th grade but I thought they were just my own head. When they started telling me to kill myself I realized that they weren’t my voices but someone else’s. It wasn’t until 8th grade that I started seeing things and they started chasing me around, lurking in corners and while I was in class at school. It becaome hard to differentiate reality from my mind. I had to be hospitalized three times. I am now in 11th grade and have made huge progress but it was a long and painful process and I still struggle to this day. But being part of these support groups is a huge help.


I started out being very depressed and bulimic as a teenager and very isolated as well. That went on for eight years until I was 23 years old when I stopped the bulimia suddenly cold turkey, by force of will. I was still depressed due to being married to a sexual and physical abuser. That went on for ten years until I divorced him at age 26. Upon the divorce, I found myself even more intensely depressed due to missing my husband. (He wasn’t always abusive). That went on for 19 years until I fell out of love with my ex husband due to falling in love with a woman, at which point all my depression ended. My psychosis, mostly in the form of paranoia and paranoid delusions, began to get really bad at age 23 and stayed bad throughout my life until the age of 56 when it got appreciably better.

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i had depression and anxiety during middle school and high school. i tried to kill myself when i was a sophmore in high school. i didn’t start hearing voices until my third year of technical college. i was studying to become an engineer and i got to the point where the voices were out of to get me and i quit school four classes short of graduation.
i decided to work instead in a retail store first as a cashier then as a third shift stocker. it was when i worked third shift did the voices of aaron and devon made their selves known. i was fired from the store and was hospitalized for a week. that’s where the diagnosis for schizophrenia for began and it had changed since then but it took 7 years for them to figure it out that i am schizoaffective.

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I started with social anxiety just before I was 14. By 15 I was becoming depressed . From 16.75 there was a big drop in academic performance. I slept through free study periods, and woke up early in the morning but was late getting up at my boarding school .
I became very anxious at the thought of going to university, and being more independent, as I knew I couldn’t cope.
At the end of my penultimate term I took an overdose . I came back for my A level term but only lasted a week before I went to the school sanatorium. From there I was admitted to psych hospital for the first time.