Say Anything VI

There is so much on my mind, it can become overwhelming.

I think I should focus on good things so as not to demoralize the youth and to remind the elder.


G’day guys!

Hatzz off a la gentle lady stylin.

In my opinion I could of worked for a female Gordon Ramsey .
She was a red head.
She said f### a lot.

I actually enjoyed working for her.

But can not work now.

Want to work volunteer.

My bf and his friend do not like Gordon much but I dig him I think.

I dig all of most chefs I have see .


They say “if you want to change the world, start in your backyard.”

I got that Bill O’Reilly book about JFK for only a dollar today haha.

I’m somewhat obsessed with that part of US history.

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Just got home from a long evening out. I’m tired, but I’m too sore to sleep. I hate it when that happens.

Well it’s a good idea to try to get some rest. Good to see you on here.

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Play the horizon.


I am getting sleep.

Took benedryl, ate a few weed blueberries, and I’m already in bed about to turn on my “sleepy cartoon”.

If this doesn’t work,

I’m gonna need a culling poem or something…


I think I have OCD tendencies. I don’t mean to self d/x myself.

But when I get a used book I CAN’T STAND it when there’s any underlining or writing on the pages.

I got this metaphysics book in the mail today, it’s really old and beat up on the outside. And I actually like that.

But one page has scribbling all over it, it looks like the person who used it before me was testing to see if their pen worked.


It’s making me so angry I feel like throwing the book away. (Even though I got it for only 4 dollars, so that would probably be dumb to do).

I love books like that,

Where people have made notes in the margins or doodles.

But, I can’t go on with my day if my bed isn’t made perfectly every morning,


Maybe we all just have our weird quirks.

(yes, I have OCD, but its never applied to cleaning, unfortunately)


I’m laying in bed waiting for the tramadol to hopefully take the edge off.

Ah what a wedding :bride_with_veil:t2: lots of beautiful people but i do not like big crowds anymore

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I am finally starting hot yoga this week soo excited


Yeah the scribbling is all over the text, like right in the middle of the page.

I keep reading the page over and over again, trying to not let it bother me.


I know, I know.

I should just get over it. :sweat_smile:

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I can not wait to get fit and fix this fat in my body

Nice to see you online @mermaid1 :slight_smile:

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Muchas gracias :ghost::ghost:


I got bruises on the backs of my legs from when I was trying to get off the slide at the park. I bruise so easily, it’s awful. They’re not even as bad as they’re going to get. They’re still knots back there. I bet by morning they’ll look much worse.

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Haha :slight_smile: De Nada Amiga :v:


I will go to the gym 3x a week

Tuesday one hour hot yoga
Wednesday 1 hour zumba
Thursday 1 hour hot yoga

Monday friday saturday sunday rest and house work