Say anything here

I don’t remember the full lyrics.

Up at 2 am, going to be a long day :sob:

2, in fact, on the trager, but it was eye of round.
Made most delicious sandwiches, did ya’ll find it ok?
How come you guys never smile?

You peeking in on me??? Neighbor brought over fresh cooked buns last night, was nice of them

That was a bun party?
The roasts tasted as good as they smelled.
We didn’t find any fresh buns except behind us, hehehe.

Invisibility SUCKS **###@#@#!@#!@ !!

Sometimes I wish no one could see me

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I lost 54 pounds in 2 years and I did it by counting my calories on a calorie tracking app, never drinking my calories, and exercising every day at an activity of my choice. Works great. My present BMI is 22.3


Why you all staring at me??? :stuck_out_tongue:


Why shouldn’t I stare at you … Just Kidding LoL… I had to say it…
I know I’m wierd… but I am awesome that way…

IS this a dot / period “.” ? wierd as wierd gets… in English Class they told us it’s a period, but on the web of today it’s a dot… whom else is confused …

I just about mastered the art of invisibility in high school.


Feeling very scared and panicked, feel very not safe. Voices are not helpful are adding to this greatly :frowning: as is the not sleeping more than a few hours two to three per day for most of last week and this one.

Yeah that sucks. Since my medication works the bouts of insomnia are the worst thing I deal with. And the side effects. and the negative symptoms.

Anyones tv trying to tell you something?

same thing with me. Unfortunately my boyfriend and friends just tell me they are tired of hearing my crazy talks so I just learned to let it go no1 wants to believe I can be sick. but I am and I don’t think I should be yelled at for it. its like yelling at me because I have asthma I have no control over my mental state. oh well

Hmm so called sports phycology - Why do people think having a steroid induced athlete with an IQ of 2 messing around with their subconscious mind a good thing?

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Because some have underling issues that stop them performing to their full potential!

I used to think the news people could see me and were laughing at me when they laughed, also thought the gals on the show charmed were sending me messages mocking me

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Ugh time to get ready for work, BLAH…