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Felt like a laugh so my horoscope for tomorrow.

A friend is prone to some erratic thinking today, so there’s no knowing what they’re going to say or do next. You may suspect that they’re taking a perverse delight in keeping you on your toes or being rather contrary. Try not to take what they say as gospel in case they’re talking complete nonsense.

Sounds like everyday on this site.

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What starts with C ends with T and is hairy.

A coconut.


I am reading posts while eating bread.


won 1000 euro playing roulette, I was gambling 20 euro, so that’s 980 euro profit…

gave my son 200, I bought myself a new laptop and new phone…and gave my parents 50 each…


Wow, that’s great :smile: Congrats!

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the luck was in…I was delighted

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my heart is on fire…:heart_eyes:


I sense the universe is saying yes to my dream, its saying yes take it, it’s yours…:gem:


House work done for the weekend. So miss my manic/ocd moods could have the whole place cleaned and polished in like 48hrs not mention get on top of all house hold projects and paper work etc etc. Such a drag these days. Unsure if just too mundane or what. Not really felling flat just so reliant on the manic moods to really get things done. Gotten so bad I have to get help in to help with the housework. At least limited it to once ever two weeks to try and not get to reliant on it.

Sorry my vent for the day. At least so far.

B vitamins, thiamine, niacin, biotin are great for the central nervous system, I’m taking them the past 9 weeks every day.

Chuck in some omega-3 and genko and see if that helps with symptoms also. Does for me. Unsure of levels with the genko but Omega-3 2000mg is recommended for sz. I tend to go under so it all works together meds the sups and therapy.

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proud to say, ive no symptoms of there diginose of schizoaffective disorder…:smile:

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Me too. Seems to be the only time i get things accomplished. Used to be such a go getter and constantly working on something. Seem to have no motivation when not manic. Still obsessive but not not in productive ways.

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Good to hear. Unfortunately i have all the damn symptoms. Plus sprinkle a little ocd and ptsd in there as well. Managing it well lately tho im told. Think ive really turned a corner in recovery.

Ward… don’t you think you were a little hard on the Beaver last night?

Amusing hyperbole and superlatives in pharmaceutical advertising:

You too can be,

“fresh and bright like the dawn of day” (analgesics) “always in good form” (amphetamines)
“Against night ghosts from nowadays”(sleeping tablets)
“sun-glasses for the psyche” (tranquillisers)

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Played basketball the last two days. About 50 3/4court attempts, only made two but it was still worth it. I think i’m getting my 3 back too.


Takes a little while but after about 1000 attempts you’re shooting as good as you ever did :wink:

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Probably less @nomad i think i over-estimated the amount of attempts needed to get your shooting form completely back

it does take some time though, but once you find that groove its like you never lost it

ps i would know because im a good shooter

yeah… i haven’t shot 100+ shots in a day for atleast two years, and im stronger than last time so i had to adjust.

getting in the zone… that is the thing.

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