Sarcosine Causes Cancer?

The current hysteria around CBD reminds me of how people were excited over “pig pills” and “mega vitamin dosing” in the past for SZ (Google them). Neither panned out. We have some very workable treatments available RIGHT NOW. Newer APs in combination with therapy and CBT will restore function for many, especially those who are newly diagnosed and receive proper early psychosis intervention.

It’s great to hope for the new thing coming down the pipe, but please don’t turn your back on or ignore the excellent, working treatments available to all of us today.

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CBD is one of many chemicals found in cannabis aka marijuana.

But it’s the chemical which has antipsychotic effects. Not like THC.

You don’t smoke weed (marijuana) that is sold on the streets. It’s a mixture of chemicals. Including THC which causes psychotic symptoms.

Though there are studies appearing about benefits of CBD. Like antipsychotic effect and negative symptom alleviating effect along with no apparent side effects.

But there are legal, political and commercial issues around it. And medical ones as well.

In my opinion biggest being initial. There is not much a business can profit from. After all it is a natural substance so it can’t be brought under intellectual property. And extraction of CBD seems to be difficult process.

There are states in the US where marijuana is being legalized and policies are being made for it’s proper regulation and commercialization.

For sarcosine check out this section on Wikipedia

And at last there are always conventional treatment options available.

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2013 study