Residual psychosis

I’m wondering if anyone else has this problem. I take my meds all the time, yet I still believe things others say aren’t true, and I still see things other people don’t see. If you have this problem, what do you do about it? What I see and believe makes it very hard to leave the house. :\

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Where r u from …??? How old are u…???

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I still have psychosis after medications. I have intrusive thoughts and acute anxiety almost every day. I also suffer from negative and cognitive symptoms.


I’m 40 and from the US

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Do you double up on APs?

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Yes, i take abilify 15mg once daily and seroquel 200mg as needed for breakthrough symptoms

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I have had the same issue when on antipsychotics in the past, certain APs just didn’t do it for me or like only got rid of some of my symptoms.

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I still have symptoms despite being on medicine. It almost completely eliminates some, only puts a dent in others


I still hear voices sometimes and get intrusive thoughts even on my meds. My pdoc wanted to increase my dose but I told her I’d prefer not to bcuz if I’m well then I will want to come off my meds. Having a few symptoms would remind me i still need my meds. So she decided to keep me on lowish dose (200mg amisulpride and 5mg of olanzapine)

How do I deal with those symptoms? They do distress me but I like to listen to music or talk to hubby then I get distracted. They pass in a while. It comes and goes.


That’s an interesting perspective

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I feel some are ingrained in me, possibly after years of taking meds will they start going away.

Depends how late you caught your illness I suppose

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Saadiqah, that’s an interesting approach. I never thought of it like that.

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