Quality of Diabetes Care Low Among Patients With Schizophrenia

Relative to patients without schizophrenia, those with schizophrenia were shown to receive lower-quality diabetes care, according to the results of a nationwide population-based cohort study published in Psychiatric Services.

A total of 83,813 patients with diabetes from Danish registries were evaluated for the presence of diabetes (n = 669) and the subsequent quality of care. Patients who received at least 80% of guideline-recommended process performance measures were considered to have received high-quality diabetes care. The researchers evaluated the association between quality of diabetes care and sex, age, smoking, substance abuse, Global Assessment of Functioning score, duration of diagnosis, provider quality of schizophrenia care, and systems-level annual patient contact volume of the diabetes clinic.


i’ve not had problems with diabetes care, i go for a checkup and blood tests once a year which is the same as my mom (who doesn’t have sz.)

I have type 2 diabetes (which my GP said was triggered by olanzapine, as well as in my family history we later discovered). I tried to access the local Diabetes Psychological Wellbeing Team, as my mental health is severely affecting my management. They told me that they don’t normally see people with my diagnosis “unless they’re stable.” Apart from a review, accessing the help I need is a nightmare. My mother has depression, early stage Alzheimer’s and type 2 diabetes (but not schizophrenia) and she has access to more help than I have ever had. (I am also autistic, with depression.)

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