Profrontal is Very Good :D

Okay so I took 3 capsules each of the Sarcosine and NAC in Profrontal today instead of just 1. You are supposed to be taking 2 of each capsule twice a day after the first week, but I forgot and was just taking 1 each a day. I don’t think it is a placebo, it might be, but I went outside and I felt very good. I felt a lot less paranoid and anxious, whereas I usually feel very paranoid and anxious. I talked to some people while outside and I felt very good.

Anyone who takes Profrontal, or both Sarcosine and NAC, who has found it to help very much with their anxiety and paranoia?

By the way, my hallucinations take the form of sort of an external conscience most of the time, sometimes saying weird stuff, but tolerable to me. The hard to tolerate part is the anxiety and paranoia I have around other people.

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Yes I agree, ProFrontal has helped me alot, it works alot better than just straight sarcosine. Another thing you might want to try in tandem is L-Theanine, it amplifies the effect of the sarcosine with no side effects, it is very gentle. It has reduced my voices and I am also less paranoid since starting the L-Theanine.

I liked prefrontal but I don’t want to pay $50/month. At least you know it’s high quality.

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I used a whole bottle of L-Theanine, didn’t notice any changes on it at all.