Post your main dream in life

What do you mean by that? Just because a woman is attractive to my personal and subjective tastes it must end up in heartbreak? I know it must be similar to the experience i get when i see a girl who i dont find attractive finds me interesting. the same is the other way around. women who i find attractive probably feel the same about me like i do about the women who are interested in me. Pretty depressing. But i am not possessed by looks, its nice if she has it but better if she has a good character and is at least somewhat tolerable physically. Thus far i havent met such a girl. Either their character is weird and not understandable for me or they are just plainly unappealing. Never met a girl that i was stunned by either, some were nice looking but not like “perfect” or whatever. But i dont know if this is a weird effect of the mental illness on my brain or not i do get to see a perfect girl (some sort of hallucinations) when i close my eyes to go to sleep. However i also see demons and other weird creatures.