Poke me with a fork I'm done

Cod liver oil. When fall begins here my parents start insisting we all take our cod liver oil for the vitamin D. And I need it because I always wear long sleeved shirts, long pants due to the self harm I did due to Borderline Personality Disorder. So I get so little sun anyways. I’m like a vampire. But yeah, cod liver oil helps my mood.

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Sometimes I forget everyone in the world doesn’t live in the States.


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Do you know a mate of mine once went to the state’s and he said people couldn’t believe people from Africa wore clothes lol

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I do believe that.

We have ignorant hicks for days and days.

I love how they always refer to Africa the continent and don’t realize there are different countries.

Its just all one big Africa.

I guess everywhere in the world has idiots, ours are just really proud of themselves.

When I went to Madagascar a lady I knew didn’t think it was a real place, just a cartoon. She was a grown ass woman. A grown ass woman I WORKED with.


For SAD, a friend of mine got a prescription to go tanning for 15 minutes every two weeks. It wasn’t enough to make her any darker, but the exposure to the light really helped her out. This was before full spectrum bulbs were a thing you could buy, though.

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I once talked to a guy about my mode of transportation being the dog sled. I only rented cars to drive down to the states. He also believed we had snow year round. He lived in noŕth dakota. Smh

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Haha that funny Rex,

We are heavily USA influenced in South Africa.

We even have a gang named after your country lol.

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I’ve never heard of that. I’ll see what my pdoc says about it