Overprotection in Mental Health: Why Can't Psychiatric Patients Use Advanced Directives?

Over time societies have become more interested and invested in protecting vulnerable populations. Even before governments took on a more active role, religious and social groups were heavily involved in helping those who couldn’t help themselves. Some protections however, can become more like restrictions, and they may be more harmful than helpful.

What are posters views on advanced directives? Have you ever had one made?


I have an unofficial advanced directive in my Google Docs. I will get a real one now. I’ll print out the information from the site and give it to my pdoc next week.

At the bottom of this article is a template you can use:


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In firemonkey’s article they have links to a site that has specific ones for each state. I’ll take both to my pdoc. to see which one fits my needs the best.


I see it as important for me to make lawyer friends since my parents won’t be around forever. I’ll have my older brother though.

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