New to the forum!

Hello everyone! I’m new to the forum, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia at age 19 (I’m 26 now), I live in a small town where most people are not completely familiar with my illness. I joined the forum for support because I am living with my younger brother, his girlfriend and 3 month old son. As of right now I’m off my medications and having symptoms. I feel very alone as my brother (who is my only family) doesn’t seem to understand what I’m going through… Nice to meet everyone!


Welcome …where r u from…??? Did u cameoff med on doctors consent…

Welcome to the forum! What kind of symptoms are you having? Have you considered going back on your meds?

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Thank you! I’m from Nova Scotia, Canada though I lived in montreal, Quebec for 6 years. I just moved back and that’s why I’m off my medication. The symptoms I’m having is my paranoia about the government watching me and auditory hallucinations. I’ve also been having non-epileptic seizures more frequently than normal because of my stress.

take the pills…coming off them is a problem. They may not be as efficient again when restarting.

Welcome. For most people it’s about medication. It’s that simple.

These meds can be trying but it’s the only way to go!


I’m not off my medication by choice, it’s from my move from one province to another. I have an appointment with Mental Health on Monday this week but honestly I had trouble with finding an antipsychotic that worked in the first place. Last one they tried was Abilify.


Try ziprexa is like a clozapine and is very good for resistent cases

sup schizo, I’m sorta new myself…been here a couple of weeks. hope your DR gives you something that works ( I have that trouble myself). Try to be open/honest as possible to your DR so they have a better idea what to give you.

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I’m sorry! That sounds really difficult!!!

Welcome to the forum!! Hopefully, you can arrange a pdoc appointment and get back on your meds soon! nice to meet you! :cowboy_hat_face:

I hope you find a med that works for you! I’m on Abilify and Latuda and I don’t think they are super helpful anymore, especially since I have treatment resistant SZ. My most recent break was so bad and traumatic they’re considering putting me on Clozapine. I might ask for Zyprexa because I hear they are similar.

Anyhow, goodluck and enjoy the forum!

Thank u so much everyone for the welcome! Abilify wasnt working for me either, I’m trying to avoid having another episode but with the family stress I’m having it’s making it worse. Thank god I have an appointment with mental health on Monday, plus here we have a mental health crisis hotline.

You’re welcome here. We’re glad to have you. Abilify works differently than the other antipsychotics. I was on it for a short while, but they had to take me off it eventually because it got me a little too amp’ed up. They should be able to find some other drug that works for you.

Welcome to the Forum! I hope I see you around. I also hope you get your meds real quick. While you’re waiting make sure you’re taking good care of yourself; plenty of sleep, lots of water, and healthy food. Try to avoid stressful situations until you get your meds. And definitely come here for support or to talk things through.

Love Tera

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Welcome to the forum! I hope you can get back on your meds soon! I am on abilify too and find it fine.

Are they actual seizures, or psychogenic seizures? Are you on medication for them? That seems really dangerous if they’re actual seizures and you’re having them frequently.

Welcome to the community. Please consider going back on your meds.

Welcome to the forum


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i got sick when i was 20 years old but didn’t get put on the meds until 22 or 23. i have gotten off the of them every now and then and it has always led to disaster usually put in an inpatient unit. i am okay today for now a lot of stress from my family and my partner’s family. mostly in laws.

Welcome to the forum. Look around for the right medication. It might take a while. I am on Latuda. Been sick since my 20’s. I am now 75. Was in Nova Scotia camping out with another family when I was about 10. We fished for tuna off Halifax.

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