New septum piercing

I recently was hospitalized and during it they had to remove my nose ring and during my stay at the hospital my nose had pretty much healed. But today I pierced it again! Got another 6 to 8 weeks before it heals then I’m thinking about gauging it bigger


It really suits you !!! I am tempted but I can only go as far as a nose stud but that’s because it’s tradionally acceptable in Indian culture. I might get a Tragus done though

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You are brave. I don’t even have my ears pierced, but I’m considering it. :smile:


It looks great. I couldn’t get a piercing but I do like tattoos and would like one of them soon.

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I reallllllllllly want a tattoo but I don’t have enough money saved up!

Thank you! I thought about a nose stud but decided on the septum, maybe I’ll add a stud later!

Think I’d of actually cried if the hospital had taken away my piercings when I went :see_no_evil:

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Nice girlfriend, she have any sisters?


They gave me the peircings back (after we did some tests like an mri and an eeg) but I couldn’t get it back inside I think the hole had shrunk, so I just gave up.

On a side not I really want to get the bridge of my nose peirced but not sure how work would feel about that lol

She actually does! Two in fact lol.

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I also wondered this :joy:

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Ah have you not had it for long or?

I had to take my nose piercing out for every shift at work, then I lost the ring and it closed up and I got mine redone! That was like 4 years ago now though :relieved:
Mate you have to ask them! That would look cool!

I had had it for maybe 6 months or more, the piercer said if I had come in right out of the hospital they probably could have stretched the hole back open but I just wasn’t feeling up to doing much when I was out.

Btw the hospitalization was because I was grazed by a car, and may have had a siezure, so it wasn’t related to SZ

My only regret is letting them talk me out of starting at an 8 gauge, I settled for a 12.

I feel your pain, never have the motivation to do anything, I’ve seen that you work so I hope they gave you time off to recover :slight_smile:

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Yeah I only needed a couple days, I wasn’t banged up too badly.

Yeah, they are expensive

It’s really hot @Bdon . And I don’t mean that as sexual harassment I mean it as a compliment.

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Thank you @Sooner88 <3

Did you get it done the old fashioned way? Just a sterilized iron spike?

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