My take on marijuana

im not against people smoking pot but for a small minority, we already have too much problems with our brains as it is with out adding to it. am i just paranoid or am i just stoned?

My take is that marijuana isn’t real. Whatever you experience when on it is simply impressions a drug writes in your brain. You didn’t experience that. You cheated.


Alright a lot of make it sound really bad. First of all when you keep telling yourself it’s going to make you freak out when you smoke it’s going to happen. If you just relax find something to do just enjoy it you will see the difference. I enjoy the hell out of it. I have to take trazodon around 9 pm and I smoke like an hour later every day and I smoke a lot. If I just smoke bud every few hours then I don’t have to take any meds at all and there’s 3 I take it helps my ADHD, depression, and my anger. And if you have never tried smoking then you shouldn’t be commenting on here. It does effect some people differently but it’s honestly just what you make of it. Like I said just enjoy it it’s a good thing and I have been smoking since I was 13 and im 17 now just as fine as ever

My position has always been that some people with schizophrenia can handle smoking pot safely and some can’t. People are going to do what they want to do and if they really want to smoke pot they will. I smoked a lot of pot too at your age. It was before I got diagnosed. And 99% of the time it was fun. After getting diagnosed at age 19, afterward pot was never fun again. But I smoked it anyway, even though it was not fun. That’s my message to pot smokers. That maybe (like me) they are miserable after smoking it but keep smoking it thinking the next time it will be better. Some of us didn’t know when to stop. When I was your age, if someone had told me to quit smoking pot I wouldn’t have listened. In fact I got busted a few times for possession of pot, and that still didn’t deter me. My grades went slowly downhill and I was slowed down at work but that didn’t stop me from smoking. If you can handle smoking pot and not have it effect you negatively or cause problems in your life then I can see why you smoke it. But after 25 years of sobriety for me, I have no desire to pick up any drug. But I know what weed would do to me if I ever smoked it again and I have no desire to go through that again.

Do you know if there is anyone else in your family that has or had schizophrenia? My mothers side there are several, one my first cousin. Way I understand it, if you “have the gene,” The predisposition for schizophrenia, then smoke weed when a young teen, it’s possible the weed smoking can make the schizophrenia bloom or come on. But not everyone with the gene gets schizophrenia, whether you ever smoke it or not. However, once you do develop schizophrenia, it’s probably best not to smoke it anymore. My son is now 30 and paranoid schizophrenia and still smoking pot. He has had one relapse since his first psychotic break in 2013. This past summer I unfortunately had to take steps and successfully got him into the hospital for two weeks. So we’re all breathing again.

Hi, @Marguerite1. Typically, we like to leave inactive threads alone and just start a new thread instead. This is different than how some forums are run, but we do it this way because it frequently upsets users to have old topics revived when they are no longer relevant. It can also be frustrating to the person who revived the thread when they don’t get a reply, because the original poster is no longer active or no longer finds the topic relevant. Feel free to start a new thread on this topic.


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Also, I’m not sure if you have schizophrenia, or you’re just the family member of someone who does. If you’re a family member, I’d like to encourage you to join our forum for Family and Caregivers that can be found at:

While this is a peer support forum for people with schizophrenia and other closely related psychotic disorders, the Family forum is specifically for people like yourself, who have a loved one they are concerned about.

Also, please let your loved one know about this forum as they may find it helpful.

Best of luck.

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