My eyelid won't stop twitching

It’s been doing this for three or four days. Is this a sign of NMS or TD? I haven’t been taking medication and was just put on Invega but stopped. I then took Abilify. I wasn’t told to taper off Abilify or how to do it and I’m back on same day sick. i don’t know what to do.

My eyelid is randomly twitching really fast and it’s freaking me out. It’s so annoying.

I guess this eyelid twitching thing is TD. I once had TD when I was in a psychosis and was not on medication. But when I started taking Invega in the hospital, the TD symptoms went away.

Yeah I’ve had eye tics such as this. I guess most recently when I gave Intuniv a try for whatever reason. I wouldn’t worry too much about it, it’s probably a temporary thing. I do know a few people with permanent eye tics or facial twitches but they are mostly of the generation who were taking Haldol and Thorazine back in the day and this probably caused their TD.

I had this when I was on Risperidon, long ago. I tried killing myself because of it, my mom took me in for a while and it went away, then I changed medication and it did not reoccur. It only came back once for a short while, as I was testing meds in hospital to see which have less side effects (I was having high prolactinemy). I only had this while on meds, never off meds.

However, from what I’ve read, it’s cause is most probably the illness, not the medication. Changing medication will only help your brain undo whatever was causing this in the first place, but if you haven’t used your current medication for too long, maybe it’s worth waiting for a while, until it takes effect.

Anyway, it can be very annoying, I know, and I hope it will pass soon for you. I still have nightmares with that horrible experience…

That can be a magnesium deficiency. It will cause that. I’ve had that sometimes. It is super annoying!

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When I get very stressed, my eye will twitch. Not constant-but sometimes for days. maybe your pdoc can give some advice…

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Eye twitching is pretty common for me - in my case I dont think it is TD. It happened to me this morning. If your condition persists, I would bring it up to the psychiatrists attention, it could be medication related. My eye will start to twitch, but it does eventually stop

NOT TD or NMS, certainly not NMS. If it were, you’d be in the hospital already with doctors trying to save your life. TD 95% of the time occurs in the mouth/face, such as frowning, tongue movements, lip puckering, etc. Just wanted to calm you down. Eye twitches can be a mineral deficiency, or a harmless side effect. I understand that it’s annoying, but it’s not TD.

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Thanks guys for the assurance that it’s not TD. I’m going back on my medication as I think it was a symptom of being off medication and the illness.

Caffeine could be the culprit. When I drink a lot of coffee my eyelids will twitch.

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I don’t take any medications and I get very twitchy either when I’m under a great deal of stress or when I’m hallucinating. Maybe you’re under stress?

The same thing happened to me when I was on Geodon, I switched to clozapine and it stopped. I did some research on the internet and that is a side efffect of Geodon.

I also had a friend who was on Geodon and the exact same thing happened to him.

be careful. what about tarditive dystonia