My advice for fellow strugglers

here are my tips.
Set realistic expectations.
Set expectations so that you know you have a chance to meet them.
If you feel bad, remember- you are not likely to feel bad 24/7.
You have bad moments, or bad days.
The key is to ride out these moments and keep going.
Be resilient.
It is also nice to have a vision in the back of your mind of your ideal life.
Even if it seems unrealistic in the near term, don’t discard it but keep it as a dream/fantasy at the back of your mind.
If you notice that some things make you better and other things make you worse,
stick to the things that make you better and keep away from things that make you worse.
Good luck to you mates


I set realistic goals with my Case Manager.
One of my goals is to lose 10 pounds within 6 months.

I have other goals too.
Going to try real hard to accomplish them.


One can feel horrid and tortured 24/7 but things can still improve.

One day my voices,moanes ,screams and gunshots stopped and I could start feeling moments of happiness and peace.

Realistic goals I agree with.

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