Movies about mental illness


lets share movies about mental illness, everbody is watched beatufull mind
friend of mine suggest this one and will share with you

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I never knew silver linings playbook was about mental illness. Knew about gambling and the Eagles. That’s the 2nd movie my parents always recommend to me that I’ve never watched. First is money ball. And third is miracle. lol they’ve recommended me to watch these 100 times but I refuse!! Rebellion I guess.

Although I liked Jennifer Lawrence In hunger games and American hustle. So maybe I’d like it.
And Bradley cooper is one of my favorite actors too.

A beautiful mind

Shutter Island is a one I liked but don’t like anymore

Girl Interrupted one I thought was cool but never finished

One flew over the cooocoos nest

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Some Voices with Daniel Craig is really good, I kinda rewatched it yesterday.

I haven’t seen it, but Clean, Shaven is supposed to realistically portray schizophrenia’s symptoms. I think the guy does some scary self harm in the trailer iirc.
If anyones seen it, let me know if it’s good.

shine with geoffry rush is pretty good. but I do like silver linings playbook. my favorite part of silver linings playbook is when they are sitting at the friends house discussing meds in front of the normies.

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Clean Shaven was good, bit weird. I liked it.

I put it at the top of my Netflix dvd que.

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You can find it online pretty easily.

Clean, shaven is a great movie!

Thanks for the info.

I like the TV show Firefly, and its sequel, Serenity. The one character, River Tam, has paranoid schizophrenia, and her character arc is about leaening to adapt to her illness and be a useful member of the team.

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