Mental Health Problem > Gun Control Problem

Guns kill people.
Guns kill people.

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I had a bb gun too, that was also great for targets

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People kill people more efficiently with guns.

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True in some regards.

How about do not piss people off who are mentally ill? Then we do not have to worry about home invasions for the most part. A criminal will be shot or stabbed on sight if he or she breaks into my house, that is my BASIC CIVILIAN RIGHT TO PROTECT MY FAMILY AND I.

I am sorry @DelusionalSandwich but a pissed or agitated person,
like even healthy people often are, is MUCH more dangerous if a gun is within
his/her reach.
People will always get pissed, the solution lies in the gun.Take away the gun.

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Yes Chessa, guns kill people, animals, and terrorists.

Mentally ill people kill church goers, concert goers, and normal people walking down the street.

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Take away guns --> government can create martial law --> people get their homes broken into by the “Good, kind, non corrupt police and FBI” --> we have no way to defend ourselves.

See the process here? They want to take our guns away so we are helpless and cannot defend ourselves and then we submit to the government. Not me.

Not me at all. I am not doing that… I honestly do not need a gun, I can kill an intruder with my hands. I hope this post today is beneficial to you all in helping you see that martial law is coming… no no no, it is upon us! A few more engineered mass murders and then something will be done to take away guns completely like Chessa24 is proposing to have done. I do not agree that that is a good idea.


The Vegas shooter was motivated by gambling losses over the last two years, and the Texas shooter was motivated by relationship issues. Neither shooter was mentally ill.

We cannot presuppose a crime, and there are already restrictions to gun ownership (convicted felons and people who have been adjudicated mentally ill cannot purchase a firearm).

The Constitution applies to all people–even people who have a mental illness.


Some say guns for show, knives for a pro

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the texas church shooter stomped and broke his child’s skull… that is mental health issue not relationship.

No, it’s an anger issue.


Mass murder is nothing new. If it’s not guns then it’s bombs.

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Martial law may come or it may not. If it does, do you think random people having guns is going to overthrow the most powerful military on earth?

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I am an advocate of very very strict gun control.
It will save lots and lots of lives.
The less guns there are the better.
The security services can also manage without guns.


If we let the crimes of a few result in the violation of rights for the many we’d have no rights


I think there should be more investment into research of non-lethal solutions to disable an attacker. But that won’t happen, I fear, because people have some macho fantasy about being able to end another person’s life.


Before they had the five day waiting period and background checks before you could buy a firearm there were two times I was psychotic and bought a firearm. The first one was a .38 revolver I bought for suicide. I chickened out. The second was a .22 auto I bought for protection. At the time I thought people were trying to get me to kill myself, and I figured that when they saw I wasn’t going to kill myself they would send somebody after me. I wasn’t going to walk into some place and open fire on a bunch of people, or anything like that, but if somebody had walked up behind me on a dark night there was a good chance I would have turned around and shot them. In both cases the only vetting process before I could buy a gun was a sheet of questions. One of the questions was “Have you ever received psychiatric care?” Or something like that. In both instances I said “no”, and the gun was given to me with no questions asked. When I bought the .38 I was under the care of a psychiatric facility on an outpatient basis.
If most of the people around me have guns, I would like to have a gun myself, but that’s impossible for me now to legally own a firearm because of the background checks. Probably for the best.


Maybe they could make a handgun that fires rubber bullets coated with some kind of strong irritant - something that will definitely make people run away.


I too agree that some checks are for the best and that emotionally or mentally unstable people should not be able to buy guns, but I think they have those checks in place when they work

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