Just a reminder about the content licensing of user submissions

From the Terms of Service.

User contributions are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

Please be aware of this when posting your creative works. I like the license and think this is a good thing but people need to be aware so misunderstandings don’t occur.

That means creative work is a property of this site? I accepted it.

No. It’s always yours but it is under a license that allows people, anyone, to use it in certain ways if they comply with the terms of the license. It’s explained in the link.

Thank you for your clarification. I read that link but was not quite understand.

It basically means that people can copy and share content that others post here and they can change things around or add to it.

They can only do this it they credit the original author of the content, if they don’t try to make any money from it, and if they release their changed version under the same license.

That’s basically how it goes. The link explains it further.

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