It was a bum day

Just rough. It started out ok, collected the neighbor’s hamster I’ll be pet sitting, cleaned my rat’s cage. Then I went to therapy and we talked about painful things…I felt sad and tired…I went to work and really did a crap job…I could tell the parents weren’t impressed…one even switched out of my class…I came home and got lectured by my dad for 30 mins for not helping out more around the house…then tried to let hamster run around on my bed and play like I did with my rats except hamsters are dumb and it just walked right off (don’t worry hamster was fine, my bed isn’t that high up and there’s soft carpet on the floor) and it was really stressful trying to catch it and get it back in its cage…just a bad day.

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I’m dealing with my voices. I’m worried about getting fired as we are on camera and I do weird things. I hope you have better days.

I often worry about being fired as well, sometimes I have nightmares even. But I know mostly I am good at my job, today was just not a good day. I think maybe my manager knew something was up because she kept asking me if I was ok. Sigh…

Thankfully I have not had any voices recently. I hope yours quiet down soon.

I had hamsters as a kid. They can take some really high falls (terminal velocity is much lower for them). One time I thought it would be a good idea to give them a bath, so I filled the sink with a shallow pool of water and put them in. That almost killed them. They immediately got really cold. I dried them off as best as I could (with hair dryer and towel). I felt so bad! I never new :slight_smile: