Is my short story worth finishing in your opinion?

I shared this on here a few months back. … this was written when I was very unstable. I hope it’s not triggering, I imagine you guys can handle a lil bit of “spookiness” :smile:

Haha… this is a bit triggering for me I’m afraid to say but only because my name is Daniel =.=. Yours is David? I haven’t read it all yet – cooking something to eat.

Oh man sorry about that. No correlation. Yeah my name’s David.

Well I’d say the fact that I’m continuing to read it says it is worth finishing.

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Oh yah. That was awesome

That was amazing! You’re talented

I imagined that so vividly, like a movie

Awesome, you should post more of these! I enjoyed reading


Thanks, that means a lot. I think I’ll try and revise and finish it.

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You’re welcome. Yeah I’m a big reader, that sounded like a few pages out of a book I would buy.

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Do you want constructive criticism or to just know if it’s finished?

Be warned. I do give my honest opinion when I say stuff but I don’t say stuff to just be a dick about it.


(is it really that bad?)

It shouldn’t be. I only read about one paragraph so I wouldn’t know but you can critique anything. A lot of it is based on the reviewers opinion so it’s subject to their thoughts and feelings (both subconscious and conscious). My art appreciation teacher in college says that the art of art is how it interacts with the audience (viewer, reader, etc.)

I just noticed a couple of authority things (like the stack of Shakespeare up to the ceiling. I’ve seen Shakespeare’s work all in one volume).

^ That’s not “bad” in any way. It’s one of those little things that people easily miss. I’m a big authority person.

In that light it’s good. So long as you continue to write as you truly think and feel your work will improve with time regardless. I think it’s better to write with less conviction about how it should appear to others. “Art” today is too driven by this idea that “art” should conform to standards in order to sell itself to audiences. Art is expression and so long as you don’t conform to how it “should” be then it is “Art”. From the heart is the best way to write/think/create.

I don’t think I mentioned something worth noting. A critique is not where you go ‘this ■■■■ sucks’ or ‘you are a god amongst men’. It’s like one painter asking another if he thinks his sketch is laid out correctly. I can pretty much guarantee you, every author goes through this. Hemmingway didn’t just write ‘Old Man and the Sea’ in one day.

Really cool bluey :smile:

Lol thanks, I hope you’re not just saying that to be nice. I wrote it when I was disturbed.

No, I like it. You can work on it, like add more story maybe, the first part ends too quickly I think. This could make a good short movie :smile:

You should rather ask yourself “is this story worth it to me to finish?” because making creative works for other people specifically isn’t a great way to do things.