Is anyone else taking clopixol? is it an older drug, i've read both that it is and that it isn't?

I was told that if i was starting meds now they would try me on Aripiprizole.

That makes me more worried about my meds that i take (clopixol) that it might not be the best for long term side effects?

Does anyone know much about clopixol?

All I know about Clopixol is it is an older medicine, and not approved for use in the USA. It’s similar to Navane.

I take depixol. It is from the same family of clopixol. It has been a life saver for me. In the uk clopixol is often used as an injectable depot every couple of weeks. Clopixol is anecdotally thought to help curb aggression also. It is a typical so there is a risk of movement disorders - I have to take procyclidine to treat the akathisia.