I'm going to murder


That’s right! I’m kicking the sugar habit (again) So as of today there will be no more cakes, cookies, ice cream, candy and for sure no SNICKERS in this darn house. I will do it. This rollercoaster is closed. I do solemly swear to tell the truth yada, yada, yada, you know the rest. NO SUGAR. Thank you for your attention in this serious matter.


Lol I freaked out for a second. :frowning:

Yeah you can find a good replacement when craving such as raw walnuts or dark chocolate bar


Clickbait! :see_no_evil:


You realize that there’s sugar-free candy, right?

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there’s a reason to live, I’ve been saved!


Oh I’ve banished that demon a few times,

Then welcomed it right back into my life with open arms.

Best of luck! Keep us posted.

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you made me lol

Yay !! sounds like a good plan. I don’t eat any sweets anymore. the only sugar I get is in the daily flan I eat before bedtime.

I think I’ll be getting some from the food I have around here but I’m definitely not adding sugar. I’m definitely not sending my husband out to get me a snickers bar. lol God help me fight the evil sugar jones!

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I’ve been thinking about doin that. Not too hard tho. I want to quit smoking first. Maybe get back n shape.

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What about stevia and/or xylitol?

yeah, that sounds great. what will you do to get in shape? I got myself a cheap little exercise bike. I’m having a hard time motivating myself to do it.

I’ve heard of stevia before, I don’t mean I need a sugar replacement, I meant I need to stop eating desserts all the time. It’d like an addiction and it gets to where I’m eating 2-3 desserts a day. Plus just over-eating in general.
Basically I’m going back on my diet and no dessert


Probably go to the gym. Sucks tho I can’t take preworkout now.

I had to laugh m a o

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what is preworkout?

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Energy drink that boosts u up

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I like honey better. I only put it in my black tea.
Green tea I drink plain without any sweetener.


Honey is good for health and works better as sweetener in green tea. I can’t drink green tea without some sweetener so I put honey in to it.


Good move. Fiber is good too. Eat before you use your meds.

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