I started acting like them

They don’t sleep a wink, they are up twenty four hours a day. So when they were melding with my mind and heart during “psychosis” i didn’t sleep either. They don’t need energy, they are energy, things don’t go in and things don’t go out.

Interdimensional principles began to flood my thinking and feeling.

When someone shot across the yard at the speed of light i was a bit upset, the enormous power coming from these things was ■■■■■■■ intense. You have never seen something so “big”, they are just so very “big”. If size matters we should all be ashamed, size, speed, duration, we’d all be ashamed standing next to them.

Unnatural info got shoved into me. Had to pop a pill to turn myself off, i wouldn’t survive without disrupting the flow of this dreadful and intense higher knowledge coming from the other creatures. Like being grabbed up and taken high enough to see it all in one instant.

You know like those bungee cord rides that rocket people high distances in the blink of an eye. All of this horrible history and reality just poured into my brain out of nowhere. It was just a bunch of pain and death, war, strife, crying, madness the whole thing it was.

I crumbled and shattered. My circuits had exploded and i just freaked out. And then the threats began, the threats and morbidity, aggresive ■■■■■■■■ here and there, more threats and more creepy ■■■■. Someone in the shower with me dripping liquid down my back, they love to lord im afraid. Like some little ■■■■ hurting animals, thats what they really are, total psychos, no love at all in them.

The aliens showed up and i knew i was ■■■■■■. 3:00 on the clock all of the time, the smells of sulfur, electronic disturbances. I was losing time here and there as well. And then the shadow person and being made of light showed up. Later others began to come as well, the ufo, pan, some ghost that i don’t know is a ghost because it just looked like one, alot of dudes showed up.

I began to act like them though for some reason. Certain things that happen there began to happen here, like the no sleep thing, things in my mind as well like the apports delusion i had. I didn’t know about apports at the time and just thought i was being delusional for no reason.

Im ■■■■■■.

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If you see these things visually, but no one else around you does, that means they were tapping into your visual cortex and transmitting the information directly into your brain. Therefore, you still can’t be certain of what they actually look like, which would take empirical verification. Although your experiences incorporated sense experience, it was telepathic in nature, leaving you empty holes in the equation of what they are exactly.

Also, if they were from a higher dimension, that would mean they cannot physically manifest in our dimension, since their geometric shapes could not be depicted in 3D. A higher dimensional creature would look not at all humanoid and would be beyond our imagination in its appearance. Carl Sagan explains:

Yet, somehow they are insanely jealous of our position in the universe, why else would they come around to stop us from doing what we love to do? They must take great offense to some of the gifts that even we have been granted, ya?

Needless to say, the creatures that I interact with are all human. There is nothing superhuman about them. They grow tired and show signs of weariness, too.


The Outer Limits intro puts it better than I can on the trick they are playing on our minds. Basically we are receiving something analogous to a cable TV broadcast, and just like the syfy network, we can’t always trust the sights and sounds we receive as an accurate depiction of what exactly is transmitting the information into our brains. The one thing we can be certain of, if anything, is there is something telepathically influencing our minds via rational, not empirical means. Anything beyond that becomes much more speculative, which is why I simply say it is something nonhuman of an unknown origin and nature. The metaphysical possibilities behind it should be explored conceptually so you’re not myopic about it, but know the limitations of what you know and don’t know, which is at the heart of wisdom according to Socrates.

Sardonicism is kind of like stand up comedy: it often appeals to the lowest common denominator.

I mean you use the words of a mind that denies your god to justify what does suit your beliefs.


It’s a fallacy to say I have to agree entirely with a scientist’s/philosopher’s world view, to apply their scientific/philosophical analogies to any given situation.

On another note, you know what they say about those who play the sanest of the insane, it is kind of like playing the tallest of the midgets: in the end you’re the biggest joke of them all.

Thanks for the recognition.

real science exists outside bias.

Frankly I don’t give a ■■■■ to believe anything any more.

Under your fallacious logic, you’re not allowed to talk about the big bang, since the theory came from a Jesuit priest. :wink:

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And BTW how would the validation of string/m-theory and the existence of superterrestrials validate the Christian God exactly? Such a theory is in contradiction with the Christian model the universe was created ex nihilo.

I hope you don’t mind me asking, but have you used meth?