I never use They're, Their, and There correctly

I know when to use each one but when typing i just go so fast that i never pay attention. Normally when i type anyway there will be some pretty out there grammatical errors and i don’t know why. I guess I haven’t been spending enough time in English class lately.

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If uve read any of my posts ull know what im talking about

Don’t feel bad I think it’s SZ. I know the difference between two, to and too but I still get it wrong and don’t see it. When I work I have to check my emails four or five times before sending. I have a hard time seeing the errors.

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man thought I’d try to explain but yeah it’s confusing

there is… you your you’re
and there is… there they’re theirs

and that is the only real overlap but I believe it is the source of your confusion as all of this revolves around the inconsistency of the apostrophe rule…

’ the apostrophe is a contraction before possessive… Bryan’s school belongs to bryan… while your (no apostrophe) belongs to you…

so you’re == you are… and they’re === they are… not possessive…

bonus vid:

There there. 15


I’ve always edited as I go along. I don’t know where I picked up that habit, but it was the reason that I never read any of my papers before turning them in (in high school at least, I plead the 5th for college papers.)

I think it is because you write down what you would speak.

I have a hard time with yea and yeah. And lately with their and there.