I hate my parents

I hate my parents because they don’t have me seeing doctors.
Instead they take me to some healers.
I don’t believe in alternative medicine but I don’t have the capacity to go to doctors on my own.
I should add that my situation is deteriorating all the time, cognition wise and physical fitness wise.


Try to convince them as it is a mental illness …faithhealer can do nothing…!!! Take care my friend u are strong now…:house_with_garden:

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You could contact your dr that prescribed the meds and see if he/she can advise you

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I know this feeling. My Mum used to believe me wearing a ring with a particular stone will heal me and all that nonsense but you have to stand your ground and get the medical treatment. That is your right.


@anon80629714 I can’t stand my ground to take medical treatment.
Further I am such an invalid that I can’t diss my parents.
After all they give me food and shelter.

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I’m sorry it’s so difficult. I don’t know what to advise. I respect my mum and if she made me wear a ring I would but medical treatment is free here so my situation might be different

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@anon80629714 it is not a problem of money.
The problem is that I can’t secure access to healthcare on my own, and nobody does it for me.

I back @anon80629714 rather then @Chess24 …in this reguard…

I’m sorry I wish I could help.

what do you mean @far_cry0?

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I am going to do my best to see a doctor ASAP.

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Have medical professionals given you or your parents educational leaflets explaining the condition? It doesn’t have to be a detailed article about an mi. Just something simple and to the point. I think it may be of help to you. See a doctor, Chess.

Non-medical religious healing by means of pray, amulets or mantras are useful for spiritual guidance.

I honour my parents for bringing me into the world as they made every effort to be dutiful parents by providing me with a loving environment in which to live. I attribute their care giving as a reason for my successes. What failures there were would be normal in any home. Mental illness for any of us is not something we wished for one Christmas or had ambitions about one rainy day. It happens in the best of families.

Erez i love u and ur parents…try to convice ur parents regulary to visit pdoc in equal time interval…i been to 10 faithhealer so far…i know it does nothing…so i tried to educate my parents its a mental cancer only med helps to minimize the symptoms they cant cure us…

I never had support to diagnosis me at earlieast …so i had to suffer ulcer and tuberclosis due to insomnia…so med helps a little…try to be on med…i am also a supporter of newer advanced medication…cure will come surely …i am awating for cure…i know u are smarter then me…hope u understand my feeling…take care…


I love you @far_cry0 , you are a dear brother.

@Chess24 next time you see your pdoc, ask how to be assigned a social worker, or the equivalent where you live. Israel is a developed country, there must be some services. Alternatively, you have the internet, search disability services in your country.

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you need them to take you? can’t you go on your own mate?

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mental cancer, right!

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@Chess24 Who’s prescribing your meds if you’re not seeing a pdoc?

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I’m sorry that you are in such a difficult situation, @Chess24.

@Chess24 Were you officially diagnosed with SZ?
Yeah who’s prescribing your meds?