I don't know if I can keep doing this job

The constant supervision is killing me. There’s no leeway for me to take my own approach with things. They tell me to get the kids swimming as much as possible so now my kids get really tired and aren’t having as much fun. I can’t for the life of me keep looking back constantly while also trying to correct the swimming of the kid I’m working with. I’m not firm. I’m awkward with the parents and I swear most of them don’t like me or just aren’t impressed. I feel like my manager just wants an excuse to fire me but can’t really find one because I am “sweet” and I follow the rules. It’s too stressful. I can’t take the constant scrutiny.

Nursing school will be similar though I think, I’ll probably also be under observation. Maybe it’s good to get used to this now. Ugh…I feel like I’m not good at anything.

Ii think with our sz we tend to feel the way you described for really no good reason. Ive got over it by just learning to work for my own intrust and figured I’ll deal with it if I get fired. Ended up getting lots of raises and becoming a valuable employee with that attitude. I know in our state they really don’t need much of a reason to fire you. Think if they wanted you gone you . Would have been by now.

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sorry @Anna
I don’t know which advice to give you.

I don’t think I can work for someone anymore, me personally until I am functional.

You can do some private tutoring, don’t you think? It pays well and it is one-on-one. If you get 5 students a couple times a week, is more than enough.

I’ve been considering that. Then I could do what I wanted at my own pace. However contractually I’m not allowed to do anything like that until I think I’ve been not associated w the company for over a year. (They don’t want anyone stealing their techniques)

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It does not have to be swimming. You can teach math for 8-10 year olds for example.

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Ohhh true. I sort of used to do something like that. My self confidence is poor though like I wouldn’t be convinced I could really teach those kids. Same thing where I don’t know if I’m really doing a good job as a swim teacher either.

You could find out where the safe is and go for one last big score. Get all that sweet sweet swimming money.

@anna in all the jobs I’ve had I’ve panicked at first because I didn’t know how to do everything, many where I thought I was going to get fired. But over time I learned the role and got much better to the point where I was considered very good at my job.

Every job has a learning curve and you’ll have to deal with that no matter where you go. I always felt insecure and overwhelmed at first but once you get used to it you’ll be great. I always told myself that when things seemed hardest were the times I was at my best. Hope this inspires you :slightly_smiling_face:


Don’t let the moment deceive you about that.

I respond similarly to the stress of supervision and I gotta say some bosses out their really do just like breaking people down. They like being alone in that sense of strength in being the only ones who can handle the scrutiny because they really aren’t that impressive otherwise.

I had one boss in particular who was just abusive… verbally abusive and horrendous to work with over time.

My new bosses too in their own way. Like sharing the make line… every 2 seconds I’m ■■■■■■■ something up that is pretty negligible just because I ordered the toppings wrong.