I am feeling Suicidal All the time ..! I see nothing worth in this life ..!

Stay strong far cry. Better days are coming. You don’t know when, could be sooner than we think.
Don’t wanna miss them


We’re all hoping things get better for you

Hey far cry, I’m sorry you’re feeling this way my friend. Hold onto the things you enjoy, they’ll help you get through. Remember there is no cricket in heaven so you have to stay on earth for that.

@far_cry0 I hope you will seek help soon. take good care of yourself dude…I love you.

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U r not alone suffering. My life is s***. My main source of entertainment is my thoughts. Even when i do something active in life i still want my life to be over with already (not via suicide but naturally). Because of the spiritual senses that come more alive the more i suffer, i see the light. There is beauty in it even if it is a lot of crap to deal with

I’ve been the same way a long time. Do you have any kind of a support system? I’ve found that I don’t even have to interact with people, just being around them helps me. Maybe you could go to the library and browse through books while doing some people watching. Is there a shopping mall nearby? You don’t have to get into the materialistic aspect of it. I’ve found that just being around people in a place that is cool and dark can help. Remember, you always have friends here. This is a good place to sound off about everything.

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“I am feeling Suicidal All the time …!”

people have done it, but are still not happy.

how do I know? I can talk with the dea-

nah. I think only Pans can do that…

but really, don’t bro.

that’s nicccccccccccccceeee

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@far_cry0 I would go to the ER if you don’t feel better soon. They can help you get to a better place. I hope you realize what a help you are around here with others who are suffering.

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