How many times have you been?

How many times have you been called stupid in your life?

during my psychosis - I was called stupid and dumb
after psychosis a few times more - and once a guy told me ‘you are stupid in a sexy way’

and then I started calling people dumb and stupid too.

One girl in the hospital said I was a menace to myself. Meaning I was a danger to myself. But the only person who ever called me stupid was myself.

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I probably have been called stupid or dumb during my lifetime, but I simply can’t recall it. It was probably spoken to me by an idiot and so i never gave it a second thought.

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I kinda lost my confidence - during psychosis I did a lot of stupid things and said stupid things too - I was out of reality.
Plus I blank out sometimes.

Then during work - I had extreme racing thoughts I couldn’t stop - but tried to be positive and nice. And when my manager fired me she said ‘you are a very sweet girl but we are looking for someone more senior’ in my mind I translated as you are a very stupid girl.

Other people don’t call me stupid, but I call myself that often. A person can be stupid in a number of ways. One time I heard this guy say, “for somebody who is supposed to be smart, how come I am so stupid?” There was this brilliant nuclear physicist of the W W II era who couldn’t drive a car. I think his name was Szilard.

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In my culture people enjoy calling each other stupid I guess. for whatever reason.

Maybe it helps people stay humble. Maybe we should try that in my culture.

stay humble?! one of my fears in moving back is how I will fit in there - maybe I am magnifying it again but I have been away for so long - I freak out. I don’t fit in very well. Maybe I will?

You’ll probably fit in. It might take a little adjustment, but you should be okay.

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No one has ever called me that outside of jokes. I always got a lot of “if your head wasn’t attached to your body” comments, though.


Seraton calls me stupid, and I call myself stupid sometimes, but not even my abusive ex ever called me stupid. I’ve been called other things though…

I’ve been called a bunch of things - just the stupid stuck with me as I was out of reality completely.

Well, that’s a mean thing for someone to call you at any time, but especially when you’re so vulnerable. The kind of person who kicks someone when they’re down is not the kind of person that has any credibility.

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I know and you are 100% but this is the world we live in. I have been bullied a lot too for no reason whatsoever. Especially by people who are religious.

Once I made a huge mistake telling someone I was skeptical and atheist.

I changed - though, after the years =) but still

I thought you said your gang overseas all told perverted jokes all of the time that you didn’t find to be funny. Or am I mistaken?

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I remember that a girl I befriended at 12 years old called me stupid during an argument that we were having over email. She was 13 at the time and I had to convince her out of doing stupid things on several occasions. :unamused:

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i have been called stupid quite a bit by people mainly my in laws and my brother. my in laws think i’m stupid for still talking to my parents while my brother calls me stupid for still being with my partner.

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yeah - it’s gonna be funny. It’s just a mixture of craziness.

I’m sorry, @sleepybug. :heartpulse: I don’t understand how mean people can be, and it seems to be getting worse, but don’t let it touch you. Know yourself and don’t let anyone bring you down.

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I have had people assume (cause they are stereo types) a lot of things, I’m sure behind my back they talk, but I don’t care, the ones that said it to my face learned a lesson in most cases