How do you cope with weight gain?

Hello, as my nick says I 'm tired of this illness, been having it for decades, but my worst problem is my weight as I can control the illness with medicine. Do you know any antipsychotic that causes the least weight gain? My problem is from drugs, ( one day I didn’t take my pill (Haldol) and I could make it on a diet, when I take them I can’t ) so I want to solve it through drugs. Also, if you know any other new pill like a new antidepressant or a new weight loss pill, I would be thankful to you.

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I’m on clozaril and think that is worse med for weight
I try to eat lot fruit and veg
I also do walking or cycle sometimes at gym

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Does gym help you because it doesn’t seem to have an effect on me. At least with Risperdone that I used to be on. I haven’t been on Haldol for a long time so I don’ t know if it helps now. How is your weight?

I’ve done some research, and Geodon is associated with the least amount of weight gain among antipsychotics. As for antidepressants, Wellbutrin is associated with the least amount of weight gain.


I am hungry a lot
I’m a bit overweight but I see lots of people a lot worse than me
I have to watch what I eat
Exercise is good for mental health as well as weight


I have same problem that appeared since I’m on medications (amisulpride). I’ve tried to switch to abilify which is supposed to lessen the weight gain but the switch failed thrice. I’ve tried proteined diet which was efficient in loosing weight but not in stabilization ; so that I’m today obese again. Now I think I have to wait a new generation of AP, that make my weight normal again.

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Hello and welcome to the forums!

When I was on Risperidone, I gained about thirty pounds in a month. Then I switched to Geodon, and lost almost all the weight.

A lot of people say the antidepressant Wellbutrin helped them lose weight. It can be risky to take when you have schizophrenia, but a lot of folks here love it.


I don’t know if weight gain from antipsychotics is due to then messing with your metabolism or increased appetite.

Having said that, I’m on abilify and it increases my appetite. I found taking a bcomplex stops this from happening. I don’t know if this only works with abilify or if it works with other APs too.

Secondly, I went on a calorie controlled diet for a year and lost 44lb. I was seeing a dietician, but you can go on your own calorie controlled diet by downloading an app called “My Fitness pal” and do what it says. It gives you a calorie target and then you log your calories every day.

I stopped calorie counting over Christmas and gained weight. I’m now calorie counting again and losing weight.

So losing weight is possible but you have to work at it.

Best of luck with whatever you do.

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@Ninjastar is right about Wellbutrin being risky, for it aggravated my positive symptoms to the point of being completely out of control.

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When I was just on aripiprazole, I used MyFitnessPal to control my diet. I’m on olanzapine and aripiprazole now and the hungriness that olanzapine gives me is too strong. I crave carbohydrates a lot. I don’t think it’s a sustainable medicine.


I think AP as it slows down brain’s activity, both slows basal metabolism, lowering calories burning and increasing calories stockage (sugar/fat) and as well it increases appetite.


I’m on metformin for abilify induced increased blood sugar.


Thank yoy, unfortunately I 'm allergic to Geodon. About Wellbutrin, I 've been on it, but it increases psychosis symptoms indeed…

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Thank you for your response. :slight_smile:

Try vitamins b complex, as I read on another answer it lessens the appetite, that’s what I 'll do.

Hello, nice to “see” you. :slight_smile: As I said I’m allergic to Geodon and I can’t take Wellbutrin.

Thank you very much, I have started taking bcomplex for psychosis,that’s really good news that it helps in weight loss. That’s my solution. :slight_smile:

Thank you for your answer, try bcomplex vitamins.

Thank you for your answer.

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I crave sugar when I take that drug. I also want to sleep a lot. Sometimes the idea of sleeping eleven hours a day sounds appealing, but then I remember that I am always mildly depressed when I am on Olanzapine. It’s a grey world.