Have you got the wrong impression about schizophrenia?


I had no idea when I was diagnosed. I remember asking the doctor if I had schizophrenia which he said yes. I thought I was developing multiple personalities which shows you how little I really understood. Thank gawd for the internet!


I had no idea, either. I had been working in a residential school for kids who had autism and schizophrenia/bipolar who were an active danger to themselves and others. I was worried I would become like them, because that was the only example of the disease I had ever seen. My biggest fear for the longest time was that I would one day lose control and hurt someone. I think that’s my first post on here, actually. Thankfully, I now know that’s not true.


I wasn’t told about my diagnosis from the very beginning. But I knew what sz was so after being medicated for about a month or two, it occurred to me that I might have it too. I looked up symptoms and treatment on the internet and that confirmed my suspicions. Then, when I confronted my pdoc, he admitted that I prolly have it. Later I found about deficit sz and again it fitted my symptoms.
I never ever wanted to hurt someone and I am not afraid I’d do it during a psychotic break because I am a fundamentally good guy (or one with very low testosterone lol ?? :smile:) therefore I would never become violent unless physically attacked.

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Finally some media coverage in a positive light. Long live the British Isles, lmao. (United Kingdom)

I had the wrong idea about it when I was DXed. Thought it meant I would be forever living under care, never able to enjoy success. That was incorrect.

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