Has any of you been 5 years without a single psychosis. Not even lingering voices and delusions .. and negative symptoms?

7 years. I’m glad for you, ish. Depression is, however, more dangerous because of the possibility of suicide.

My depression is strange though… I think I get mixed episodes but suffer less depressions but more anxiety and agitation… my depression where i am tearful last a few minutes to hours…

I have not been suicdal since late teens now… thats like over a decade…


I haven’t had any dysphorias for a little while, thank goodness!

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I’m sorry for your troubles. Isn’t it sad how it takes hold and never lets go


Thanks dear friend
This is indeed sad, but the world is interesting, and there is full to learn, and you can fill life with things art and love and all sorts of purple carrots :slight_smile:

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Since this thing started, it’s only stopped torturing me for a maximum of 7 months.