Happy 4th of July My Fellow Americans on Here

Take it easy on the hot dogs and hamburgers. Fire works are not run by secret agents coming to get me. I think this will be a good 4th of July without the voices. Oh and take you meds.

It looks like it’s gonna rain here. Hey, it’s not the same to make franks on the stove top.

Happy 4th!! What are you doing today?

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Sounds good.

I usually skip the parade in town.

But my son and I are going swimming then with my family to a ball game with fireworks. It’s local.

My step dad mowed my lawn diagonal for me it looks so nice in my neighborhood right now.

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Stressing out. …

My son Alec with pretty girl at the ball game tonight


My town is evacuating houses due to illegal fireworks that got out of control,

  • a natural gas line leak that is creating some HUGE explosions…
    Stupid people never cease to amaze me.

I talked to my sister all day on the phone, and even my cousin texted me a happy 4th! I’m happy about that. I didn’t go out to fireworks though, or at all.

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carpet grass…nicee

lucky young man. take care

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